If you want to learn more about Non-Faradaic electrolysis, please see the following. Note that these papers deal with Glow Discharges at the Anode (+), whereas we're doing it at the Cathode (-).
Contact Glow-Discharge Electrolysis
Donnan Laboratories, Liverpool University
Received 4th November, 1963 Published in: Trans. Faraday Soc., Vol. 60 (1964) 783
A Study on the Origin of Nonfaradaic Behavior of Anodic Contact Glow Discharge Electrolysis: The Relationship Between Power Dissipated in Glow Discharges and Nonfaradaic Yields
Susanta K. Sengupta, Rajeshwar Singh, and Ashok K. Srivastava
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221 005, India. From: J. Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 145, No.7, July 1998 (c) The Electrochemical Society, Inc.
Contact glow discharge electrolysis: a study of its chemical yields in aqueous inert-type electrolytes
Susanta K Sengupta and Om Prakash Singh
Department of Chemrstry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasl 221005 (Indra)
(Received 26 January 1993, m revised form 27 August 1993) From: Journal of Electroanalytlcal Chemistry, 369 (1994) 113-120
Contact glow discharge electrolysis: a study of its onset and location
Susanta K. Sengupta and Om Prakash Singh
Department of Chemisrry, Faculty of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221005 (India)
(Received 9 May 1990; in revised form 13 September 1990) From: J. Electroanal. Chem., 301 (1991) 189-197
I have uploaded copies of these papers to the "Tech Papers" section of hhoinfo.ning.com
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
DIA Defense Analysis Report 13 November 2009
Technology Forecast: Worldwide Research on Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions Increasing and Gaining Acceptance
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Analysis Report
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Analysis Report
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Alternator Re-Wire
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Secretary Chu: Calling All Cold Fusion Inventors—and Other Revolutionaries
By Keith Johnson
May 12, 2009, 12:10 PM ET
If you’ve got a plan to transform America’s energy future, now’s the time to put it on paper.
Starting today, the Department of Energy is accepting proposals for energy R&D projects that “disrupt the status quo. The Nation needs transformational energy-related technologies to overcome the threats posed by climate change and energy security, arising from its reliance on traditional uses of fossil fuels and the dominant use of oil in transportation.”
Read Full Article
May 12, 2009, 12:10 PM ET
If you’ve got a plan to transform America’s energy future, now’s the time to put it on paper.
Starting today, the Department of Energy is accepting proposals for energy R&D projects that “disrupt the status quo. The Nation needs transformational energy-related technologies to overcome the threats posed by climate change and energy security, arising from its reliance on traditional uses of fossil fuels and the dominant use of oil in transportation.”
Read Full Article
Friday, November 6, 2009
Dr. John Dash Studies Cold Fusion at Portland State, Oregon
John Dash, Professor Emeritus of Physics at Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, has been studying Cold Fusion. He has even been teaching local High School students about the subject by working with them as his lab assistants.
ENEA - Unità Tecnico Scientifica Fusione
Centro Ricerche Frascati, Roma
INFN Sezione Milano
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan (Italy)
University of Milan, INFN Sez. Milano
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan, (Italy)
This is the paper published by ENEA researchers, verifying the theory proposed by Giuliano Preparata. As seen in the documentary Report 41 - ENEA Frascati LENR "Cold Fusion"
F. Scaramuzzi1
ENEA - Dipartimento Energia , Divisione Fusione, Centro Ricerche Energia
C.P. 65 – 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy
Accountability in Research, 2000. 8: p. 77.
ENEA - Unità Tecnico Scientifica Fusione
Centro Ricerche Frascati, Roma
INFN Sezione Milano
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan (Italy)
University of Milan, INFN Sez. Milano
Via Celoria 16, 20133 Milan, (Italy)
This is the paper published by ENEA researchers, verifying the theory proposed by Giuliano Preparata. As seen in the documentary Report 41 - ENEA Frascati LENR "Cold Fusion"
F. Scaramuzzi1
ENEA - Dipartimento Energia , Divisione Fusione, Centro Ricerche Energia
C.P. 65 – 00044 Frascati, Rome, Italy
Accountability in Research, 2000. 8: p. 77.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
You Have a Moral Obligation to Do It.
"If you have any talent, any ability, any ideas, in this particular research area, then I think you have a moral obligation to do it. And apart from that, it's very interesting science."
Dr Michael McKubre, discussing Cold Fusion on the Grok Science show.. Dr. McKubre works at SRI and is funded by DARPA (The Pentagon). His colleague on the show was Dr. Irving Dardik, creator of the fractal "Superwave" signal being used with such success by Energetics Technologies. May, 2009.
Here is Dardik's Paper, Intensification Of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Using Superwave Excitation, from ICCF 10
Dr Michael McKubre, discussing Cold Fusion on the Grok Science show.. Dr. McKubre works at SRI and is funded by DARPA (The Pentagon). His colleague on the show was Dr. Irving Dardik, creator of the fractal "Superwave" signal being used with such success by Energetics Technologies. May, 2009.
Here is Dardik's Paper, Intensification Of Low Energy Nuclear Reactions Using Superwave Excitation, from ICCF 10
Sunday, October 25, 2009
There are a lot of good scholarly articles on this website. The Introduction for Students, by Edmund Storms, is good. I read it last night.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Cold Fusion: Fire From Water
Interesting documentary narrated by Scotty. Interviews with Edmund Storms, the late Eugene Mallove, and Michael McKubre, who has been working on Cold Fusion at SRI and collaborating with Italian ENEA.
Cold Fusion: Fire From Water
Cold Fusion: Fire From Water
Monday, October 5, 2009
Engine Running on Water
I think all they did was wind their own coil for the sparkplug, so the voltage is much higher. Using a Bifilar Coil instead of a one-stranded coil can generate voltages that can arc across a larger spark gap.
Friday, September 25, 2009
The Big Guns
Here's our new power supply. The grey thing on the right is the Variable Transformer we were using before. The Blue Box is a step-up transformer that can handle up to 4,000 V. The stuff in the milk crate is our capacitor array for smoothing out the 60 Hz ripple on the DC. This new setup now isolates the secondary side of the transformer, so we can actually ground the cathode. The white coil is going to be a choke I put in series on the Anode to prevent violent current fluctuations. Eventually I'd like to use a bifilar coil with the other strand being on the cathode, to maximize voltage and minimize current draw.
This equipment is heavy and is kindof overkill for our purposes. But safety first! :) I'm using it because it can handle the unexpected voltage jumps that occur when plasma forms.
Eventually, I'd like to use a Flyback Converter instead of all this, so that the entire system can run off a 12 V car battery.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion
Mizuno describes the dank, underground laboratory. He does not mention that his own laboratory is the size of a broom closet and so crammed with equipment you can barely fit in the door. The roof leaks. A large sheet of blue plastic is suspended over the corner of the room, funneling the rain water down to a sink and away from the computers, meters, power supplies and complex, delicate, beautiful handcrafted experimental apparatus, made of aluminum, stainless steel, platinum, palladium, gold and silver.
Nuclear Transmutation
Nuclear Transmutation
Friday, September 11, 2009
Call for Electrolysis Invisible College
How it's done:
1 liter of distilled water, about 100 degrees C (boiling).
27.7 grams of K2CO3 (Potassium Carbonate) making a 0.2 molar solution
You can use other electrolytes such as KOH.
Cathode surface area must be at least 1/3 of Anode surface area. Preferably much less. This causes the Current Density to be high enough to generate plasma.
Use about 200 - 350 V DC. Your equipment should be able to handle about 2,000 V DC, because when the plasma forms, the voltage will jump as the current falls off.
Good Luck!! :)
1 liter of distilled water, about 100 degrees C (boiling).
27.7 grams of K2CO3 (Potassium Carbonate) making a 0.2 molar solution
You can use other electrolytes such as KOH.
Cathode surface area must be at least 1/3 of Anode surface area. Preferably much less. This causes the Current Density to be high enough to generate plasma.
Use about 200 - 350 V DC. Your equipment should be able to handle about 2,000 V DC, because when the plasma forms, the voltage will jump as the current falls off.
Good Luck!! :)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Discussion of 9/05/09 Experiment
So this is what happened. I set the Variable Transformer to some reasonable voltage, like 200 V DC. I measured the voltage between the Cathode and the Anode. There was a purple plasma around the Cathode. I'm sitting there watching it, and after a while, it all of a sudden gets bigger, changes color; the bubbling becomes more violent, and the voltmeter goes crazy. And there were flashes of white light. The voltmeter jumps around 500 600 800 700 1200 1900 1300 800 700 600 400 500 400... when the voltage finally chilled out, the plasma got smaller and went back to being purple. Then after a few more seconds, the same thing would happen all over again.
The other weird thing that happened was at one point the whole cell turned blood red. It really freaked me out. I didn't know it could even do that. Why do these things happen? I don't know.
I ran the cell again today with the leftover electrolyte, and it didn't make any good plasma. just got sparkly. then the tungsten got hot like a toaster element. i guess you can't re-use electrolyte? have to get more distilled water. keep getting aqueus solution on my hands but it doesn't burn. it says "storage code GREEN" so i guess it's safe? I got the K2CO3 from amazon.com.
Oh wait, actually it says it's harmful and irritating :)
I want a bigger capacitor. I discharged my cap array with a screwdriver and it went CRACK and made a big spark.
The other weird thing that happened was at one point the whole cell turned blood red. It really freaked me out. I didn't know it could even do that. Why do these things happen? I don't know.
I ran the cell again today with the leftover electrolyte, and it didn't make any good plasma. just got sparkly. then the tungsten got hot like a toaster element. i guess you can't re-use electrolyte? have to get more distilled water. keep getting aqueus solution on my hands but it doesn't burn. it says "storage code GREEN" so i guess it's safe? I got the K2CO3 from amazon.com.
Oh wait, actually it says it's harmful and irritating :)
I want a bigger capacitor. I discharged my cap array with a screwdriver and it went CRACK and made a big spark.
Plasma is Hot
The melting point of Tungsten is about 6000 degrees Farenheit. The Cathode got fried. The ceramic sheath took a beating.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
9/05/09 Plasma Electrolysis Run
Part 1 - What We're Doing.
Part 2 - Power Supply, Set-Up.
Part 3 - Mix up the Electrolyte.
Part 4 - Orange Plasma when Water is too Cold.
Part 5 - Good Purple Plasma at 200 V DC.
Part 6 - Beautiful Stable Blueish Purple Plasma at 150 V DC.
Part 7 - Weird Dark Bubbles and Voltage Jumps in Cycles.
Part 8 - Color Changes and Voltage Jumps. Over 1000 V.
YouTube has a bug whereby you must write &fmt=100 at the end of the video's url. On these links I added that in.
Part 2 - Power Supply, Set-Up.
Part 3 - Mix up the Electrolyte.
Part 4 - Orange Plasma when Water is too Cold.
Part 5 - Good Purple Plasma at 200 V DC.
Part 6 - Beautiful Stable Blueish Purple Plasma at 150 V DC.
Part 7 - Weird Dark Bubbles and Voltage Jumps in Cycles.
Part 8 - Color Changes and Voltage Jumps. Over 1000 V.
YouTube has a bug whereby you must write &fmt=100 at the end of the video's url. On these links I added that in.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Is it the Future Yet?
Modern industrial installations require 4 kWh for production of 1 cubic meter of hydrogen from water. When this hydrogen is burnt, 3.6 kWh of energy is released. If the energy expenses for production of hydrogen from water are reduced by twofold or threefold, it becomes a competitive energy carrier. If it is possible to reduce these expenses of hydrogen tenfold, it will become the cheapest energy carrier. In this case, coal, oil and natural gas fail to compete with it.
Our investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case, more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device with such indices was made one year ago.
Phillip M. Kanarev, The Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia, Department of Theoretical Mechanics
Our investigations have shown that there are some plasma electrolytic devices and modes of their operation, which reduce energy expenses for obtaining one cubic meter of hydrogen up to 0.40 kWh. In this case, more than 1000% of additional energy is obtained. A laboratory device with such indices was made one year ago.
Phillip M. Kanarev, The Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia, Department of Theoretical Mechanics
Hydrogen Gas Production is Not a Function of Current

In normal Electrolysis, the amount of Hydrogen gas produced is a function of current passed through the cell. In Plasma Electrolysis, this is not the case. The image above is taken from:
Hydrogen Evolution by Plasma Electrolysis in Aqueous Solution
Tadahiko MIZUNO, Tadashi AKIMOTO, Kazuhisa AZUMI1, Tadayoshi OHMORI2, Yoshiaki AOKI3 and Akito TAKAHASHI4
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 44, No. 1A, 2005, pp. 396–401
(c) 2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Current Drops When Plasma Forms

Hydrogen Evolution by Plasma Electrolysis in Aqueous Solution
Tadahiko MIZUNO, Tadashi AKIMOTO, Kazuhisa AZUMI1, Tadayoshi OHMORI2, Yoshiaki AOKI3 and Akito TAKAHASHI4
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 44, No. 1A, 2005, pp. 396–401
(c) 2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Word of Warning
Friday, August 28, 2009
Our Hydrogen Plasma Video
If the video looks choppy, try
this link.
1 liter distilled water. 0.2 molar concentration of K2CO3.
Tungsten Cathode. Stainless Steel Anode. The anode is the big piece of sheet metal with all the holes in it. The Cathode is the little (< 1/8 inch diameter) TIG welding rod with the purple plasma shivering around it. For Plasma to form, the surface area of the Cathode (Negative Electrode, generating Hydrogen) must be 1/3 or less than the surface area of the Anode (Positive, generating Oxygen). The relationship between the current drawn through the cell, and the surface area of an electrode, is called Current Density. This is an important concept to keep in mind when designing your cell. In this case, the surface area of the Anode is much more than 3 times that of the Cathode. I got the Tungsten rod at a welding shop called PRAXAIR. $12 for three of them. They also sell Tungsten Carbide and Thoriated (?) Tungsten rods. These are TIG welding rods. "Tungsten Inert Gas" welding.
On JL Naudin's "Cold Fusion" pages, he says that TIG rods that are not 100% Tungsten may work better for the purpose here. He has a great deal of wonderful useful information. I highly recommend his website.
JLN Labs
Good night and god bless.
Inside Phillip Kanarev's Lab
Watch Video
Dr. Phillip M. Kanarev, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia
(You don't drink champagne with military officials for nothing).
Dr. Phillip M. Kanarev, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia
(You don't drink champagne with military officials for nothing).
Now Back to Hydrogen
OK, please excuse the Veggie Oil interlude that's been going on. Now, back to Hydrogen.
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Arrows show direction of fluid flow.
There is also a fuel filter between the Diesel tank and the Solenoid, same 3118. Then there's a "Secondary Fuel Filter" 3120 after the Solenoid before the Injector Pump. I didn't draw these in because they are part of the original fuel system. I only drew what we added to make a Grease system.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
This grease system has never failed. People have abused the fuck out of it, mixed tons of veggie oil into the diesel tank by accident. Shut down the engine on veggie. Fucked everything up. And it still works just fine.
I would attribute this to the engine being a Detroit Diesel 671. She's a beast :)
Recommend Detroit Diesel 671, 871, 671 Jimmy, and Cummins engines.
I would attribute this to the engine being a Detroit Diesel 671. She's a beast :)
Recommend Detroit Diesel 671, 871, 671 Jimmy, and Cummins engines.
Coolant Lines Again

Here's those same two lines as in the last photo. The one on the right is Hot Coolant straight out of the engine. See how it goes into the copper coil around the fuel filter? Then it comes out, and goes into the Brass T, and comes out the big black hose on the left. The red PEX Veggie Oil line also goes into that T, and goes inside the black hose on the left.
That's the hose from the tank. The solenoid is right next to the fuel filter. So, veggie oil comes from the tank, through the red PEX INSIDE the hose on the left.
It goes into the fuel filter, then comes out and goes into the solenoid. From the solenoid it goes straight into the injector pump, which is right there on the engine.
Coolant Lines

Here's where we tapped the coolant hose from the engine. The red lever is a shutoff valve, I guess it was for testing purposes in the beginning, but it's always left open now. That's the coolant line going to the copper coil around the filter.
The other black hose to the left, that's zip-tied to the coolant line, is the coolant hose with the red PEX inside it.
Heated Filter

Here is a fuel fulter that the hot veggie oil goes through. We use NAPA 3118. It's important to filter your veggie oil :)
The red hose is the PEX fuel line with veggie oil running through it.
The foil is insulation covering the copper coil which wraps around the filter. Hot coolant flows through this coil and keeps the filter hot.
You can see the Brass T with both the red PEX line, and the copper pipe coolant line coming out of it. This T is the same as the one by the tank -- it's how you feed the red PEX inside the coolant hose. I'll draw a diagram to show it more precisely.
Hose within Hose
The red hose is the fuel line. Its made out of PEX.
If you look carefully, you will see the red hose going inside the black coolant hose through a brass T fitting. This is done with a compression fitting on the PEX. The idea is, you run the fuel line INSIDE the Hot Coolant line so the fuel gets hot as it travels towards the engine.
If you look carefully, you will see the red hose going inside the black coolant hose through a brass T fitting. This is done with a compression fitting on the PEX. The idea is, you run the fuel line INSIDE the Hot Coolant line so the fuel gets hot as it travels towards the engine.

Here is the veggie oil tank. The thing on the left with the red hose coming out of it is the Arctic Fox. That sticks down into the tank. As you can see, there are also two black hoses connected to the Fox. These are Coolant in and out of the device. That's how it heats the veggie oil in the tank.
The white pipe coming up out of the tank is the fill pipe from the gas cap.
The small black hose that connects on the right is the Return from the engine.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Italian Cold Fusion Documentary - Report 41
Report 41
Please see the part about Dominico Cirillo, about halfway through. His research is most closely related to what we are doing here.
Please see the part about Dominico Cirillo, about halfway through. His research is most closely related to what we are doing here.
Completed Cell
Here is the assembled cell. You can see the Positive Electrode with its Stainless Wire connector coming out the top. At the bottom, the Tungsten rod comes in through a 1/8 " Compression Fitting. (I drilled and tapped the housing).
Negative Electrode is a 3/32" Tungsten TIG Welding Electrode. Available from your local welding shop.
Plasma will form around the Tungsten.
Variable DC Power Supply 0 - 1000 V
This is a home-made AC-to-DC power supply to drive the electrolysis cell. The big thing at the bottom is a Variac I found, then there's a step-up transformer on the right, and a capacitor array which acts as a smoothing capacitor. Capacitor array is 3,000 uF rated at 400 V DC. Transformer is 120 to 12 V wired up backwards. Hopefully it won't blow out. Variac is 0 - 135 V. Oh and of course there's a full-wave rectifier in there.
I'll post a schematic soon.
Current Density
Negative electrode is a Tungsten TIG welding electrode, with most of it wrapped in Teflon Tape. Only the tip is exposed. Positive Electrode is a piece of Stainless Steel perforated sheet metal, about 3 x 4 inches.
The Plasma forms around the Negative electrode. The Negative electrode is also where the Hydrogen bubbles up in conventional electrolysis (Oxygen on the Positive).
The difference in surface area of the two electrodes causes there to be a higher Current Density on the Negative one.
I think :)
The Plasma forms around the Negative electrode. The Negative electrode is also where the Hydrogen bubbles up in conventional electrolysis (Oxygen on the Positive).
The difference in surface area of the two electrodes causes there to be a higher Current Density on the Negative one.
I think :)
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